Pastor Tom & Mary Ann, and all of those helping with this new endeavor, still believe the Word of God as it is written.  They don't believe that the Word "evolves" with the society around it, or that you cannot take the Word of God literally.  The Lord declares that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  What was once important to Him, is STILL important to Him, and in the complete context of the Old and New covenants. 

 The Bible is a unified whole, the Old looking forward prophetically to the New, and the New looking back upon and literally fulfilling the Old.  Community Harvest will carry on the traditions of our Fathers in the teaching and preaching of the Word of God, in it's context, and with clarity brought forth from the original Greek and Hebrew texts.  Scholarly teaching and Anointed preaching will be pillars of the Church, and music and worship that is PLEASING TO THE LORD will be ministered by our musicians and singers, bringing Glory to the Lord, and exalting Him with Praise.

It's our heartfelt desire that you'll pray earnestly about becoming a part of this important work for Christ.....The fields are white unto harvest, but the laborers are few.

Please call or write today, and see what you can do to help.  The Lord has need of you!

Mailing Address:  34935 Fun Way, Zephyrhills, FL  33541

The Lord has Need of You in this Glorious Work for Christ!
Would you like to be used by the Lord to help establish a new Bible-Based Church
in Zephyrhills?  Would you like to continue your formal Bible Education for Personal, Ministry or Missionary purposes?  Do you have gifts and talents that are not being used for the Lord's Purposes, and you long for fulfillment?  Would you like viable opportunities for service at Home and Abroad ?...... If so, Community Harvest Church may be what you've been praying for!
Dr. Marino is seeking help NOW to firmly establish this Church in our City.

Community Harvest Church of Zephyrhills Florida is being founded under the auspice of Revelation Ministries, and will be the Southeast Home Church of  Dr. Tom Marino, Bishop of the RMI Global Fellowship network of Ministers, Missionaries and Churches.  Having founded previous ministries and Churches, he is excited about planting this new work for Christ in the central Florida region.

Community Harvest will be a southeastern base of operations for Revelation Ministries, and will serve as the main office for International Evangel Bible College & Seminary, the official educational arm of RMI.  IEBC & S is involved in the proper training of Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and affords existing Ministers the opportunity to enhance or continue their Theological education through graduate and post-graduate forums.  IEBC & S also offers limited internships for promising ministerial students, with a wide variety of home and foreign opportunities available.

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Call:  813-862-3360
Revelation Ministries International Fellowships
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